Auţһoяs ňoţєs
Hѧppʏ ňєɰ ʏєѧяs ɞʟoɢɢєяs! I һѧνє ԀєċıԀєԀ ţo ţѧҡє ţһıs Aʟıċıѧ ɞʟoɢ ıň ѧ Ԁıғғєяєňţ Ԁıяєċţıoň, ıţs ɞєєň ʏєѧяs sıňċє ţһє яєѧʟ ѧuţһoя oғ ‘Tһє ċʟıզuє’ һѧs ɰяoţє ѧ sєяıєs, ѧňԀ so ɰє ѧʟʟ ҡňoɰ ţһѧţ ţһєʏ ѧяє muċһ oʟԀєя So ɰһʏ ňoţ ɰяıţє ıţ ѧs ѧň oʟԀєя νєяsıoň, so һєяє’s ţһє ňєɰ Aʟıċıѧ.
Aʟıċıѧ ıs ıň ţһє ʟѧsţ Ԁѧʏs oғ ʏouя ċoʟʟѧɢє ʟıғє, sһє oɰňs ѧ νєяʏ popuʟѧя Ԁѧňċє pʟѧċє ţo ţєѧċһ ţһє ѧяţ oғ Ԁѧňċє ţo ѧňʏ oňє ɰһo ɰѧňţs ţo ʟєѧяň. Hєя ɞuıʟԀıňɢ һѧs ɞєċѧmє so popuʟѧя ғѧmous pєopʟє һѧs ҡňoɰ ɞєєň ţѧҡıňɢ ţһєяє ҡıԀs ғoя Ԁѧňċє ʟєssoňs. Aʟıċıѧ ıs ňoɰ ʟıνıňɢ ıň NYC ţɰo ɞʟoċҡs Ԁoɰň ғяom Tımєs Sզuѧяє ıň ѧ pєňţ һousє oň ţһє ţop ғʟooя. AňԀ ɰıţһ һєя ċяѧzʏ sċһєԀuʟє ʏou’Ԁ ţһıňҡ sһє ɰouʟԀň’ţ һѧνє ѧ ʟıғє ouţ oғ ţһıs oňє ɞuţ oһ ʏєs sһє Ԁoєs, sһє ҡєєps ţяѧċҡ oғ һєя ғяıєňԀs. Mѧssıє ıs sţıʟʟ ıň ʟoňԀoň, sһє ıs ňoɰ ѧ supєя moԀєʟ ʟıνıňɢ ţһє һıɢһ ʟıғє ɰıţһ so mѧňʏ ѧ Ԁoяmєňţs, Ԁoıňɢ so mѧňʏ ċommєяċıѧʟs ѧňԀ oň so mѧňʏ mѧɢѧzıňєs. Sһє’s єνєяʏţһıňɢ sһє єνєя ɰѧňţєԀ ıňċʟuԀıňɢ ѧ supєя sţѧя ɞoʏғяıєňԀ. Kяısţєň ıs ѧ pєяғєsňѧʟ soċċєя pʟѧʏєя ѧғţєя ғıňısһıňɢ ċoʟʟѧɢє єѧяʟʏ ѧţ Yѧʟє sһє ıs ňoɰ ţяѧνєʟıňɢ ţһє ɰoяʟԀ ѧʟʟ ɞєċѧusє sһє’s ɢoıňɢ ғoя ţһє ɰoяʟԀ ċup. Nє×ţ ıs Dʟʏѧň, sһє ıs ʟıνıňɢ ıň Cѧʟıғoяňıѧ, sһє һѧs һєя oɰň ţѧʟҡ sһoɰ oň TV һєʟpıňɢ pєopʟє ɰıţһ һєя ɰєıɢһţ pяoɞʟєms єνєň ţһouɢһ Dʟʏ ıs so sҡıňňʏ ňoɰ ıţs uňяєѧʟ. Lѧsţʟʏ ıs Cʟѧıяє, sһє ıs sţıʟʟ ıň ɰєňċһєsţєя ʟıνıňɢ ɰıţһ Cѧm, ѧғţєя єνєяʏţһıňɢ ţһєʏ ɰєňţ ţһяєɰ ţһєʏ ѧяє sţıʟʟ ţoɢєţһєя sţяoňɢєя ţһѧň ѧňʏɞoԀʏ I’νє mєţ. AňԀ sıňċє ıţs oňʟʏ Cʟѧıяє ѧňԀ I ňoɰ ɰє һѧνє ɞєċѧmє so ċʟosє, I ԀıԀň’ţ ţһıňҡ ţһѧţ ɰє’Ԁ ɞєċomє so ċʟosє.
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waking up from the black out I had been a nightmare, visions of his hands wrapped around me scared me even more.whats going on? Where am I? panic began to rise up in me. Familiar hands pressed to my face, I jerk my eyes up the person.

Massie is looking down at me with a scared look in her eyes. Something that never happens to her.

“shh leesh, all you alright?” Shes talking very gently, probably trying not to scare me.

“W-hat happened?” My throat hurts. Badly.

“You shouldn’t be talking mam’ let your vocal cords rest for a few days. would you like to go to the hospital to get a look at them?” An old lady comes over and stands above me.

Before i could even answer a paramedic rushes over and pushes everyone away from me, checking my pulse and my eye lids.

“Shes still in shock,” He says into his walkie-talkie.

No sooner after two more men come in with a stretcher. they reach down to pick me up but a flash of Jake’s hands coming at me make me start screaming and crawling away from them sobbing. One of the older guys comes over and I scream telling him to get away. He calls over to Massie and the others to get a hold of my parents but I can’t hear anything else from the ringing in my ears.

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Revenge comes hot and sweet



      Coffee has been the onky thing to keep me going for the past two weeks. Massie has been telling me to wait for the least expected and then get them, which of course they have been in separated since they hooked up in math. How pathetic is that!?
    I sipped my lattee and watch my phone blow up with endless text that I will never be able to answer all or any of them until I see Jake’s name pop up. My heart skips a beat but soon to realize that I hate him. I open the text curiosity taking over
              Leesh, ik u hate me and im so so sorry for hurting you. I want to make it up to you. Turn around and come to my table. (:
     What!? I turn around to find Jake sitting in the corner smiling at me. Shock and panic rush threw my body, what do I do now!?
     Just then my alpha kicked into gear and I smiled a evilish smile and strut over to him.
   “Well, well, well look who it is.” I smile not sitting down but making my self taller and more of a threat.
” Cant help it, your beuatuful and Im onky dating her to make you mad, I dont love her. Not even close.”
    It didn’t surprise me that he said that so I it as an advantage of it and recorded it and sent it to everyone including him.
     He looked at his phone,  his face turned pale white as he looked up at me in shock. I smiled but it soon turned into a frown when his face got really red and he stood up taking the table down with him. I stepped back.
    “What’s wrong with you!” I scream at him as i get overly embarrassed as everyone looks at us.
      He stalks toward me pushing me into a table rapping his fingers around my slim neck. I make a gasp/choking noise as he digs his finger nails into me.
    I  scratch at his hands trying to pry them off of me.
   The next thing I know is Jake getting knocked off of me after punching me hard in the gut before a group of guys has pinned Jake to the floor as I gasp for air.As I start to panic tears began to run out  getting in the way of my breathing and I fall to the floor in panic of taking a breath.
     Two old lady’s come over and try to calm me down but after seeing stars and black stops and Massie running over  to find me passed out.



Silly girl, im the queen


   When you find the perfect one you’ll  know as soon as you lay eyes  on him.
Jake and I has been talking for a good four months and I’ve been dying for him to ask me out and I really think today’s the day.  I swimp my lips with pumkin spice gloss and go down stairs to wait on Jake to pick me up for school.  Mother was down. Stairs making herself a cup of coffee.
   “Hey sweetheart want a cup of coffee?” She smiled at me reaching for another cup. 
   “No thanks, Jake’s taking me out for breakfast. ” I said getting a fuzzy feeling in my heart .
   “So when will I meet this Jake of yours? You talk an awful lot about him.”
Its true Massie and the girls get sick Of me talking about him but oh well.  After all my horrible ex’s I think its time for ah  magor upgrade.  My mother smiles and gives me a kiss on my head and goes and gets ready for Work.

       I wait for over 20 minutes by know I don’t even have time to make it to school.  I call mom down and she takes me.  How could he stand me up like that? I read the endless text message I sent him and now feeling clingy. Maybe he forgot, no! We was up all night  talking on the phone I left him a good morning message.  I texted Massie and told her what has happened and she sent me a picture of him with the new girl. 
     For the first time ever im the clueless one.  I grow sick to my stomach  and hate burns into my heart.
   I walk  into school a minute  after the bell rings and head to class,  the first thing I see is Jake and then rapped in his arms is the new girl. I stop toward the back putting my hands on my hip and stare at them.  Refusing to answer or listen to my math teacher, 
  “Thanks for the ride today Jake, who’s your friend? ” I growled
I could tell he felt bad and he should,  he should feel scared. 
   I leaned closly to the both of them “You better watch your back, you don’t want to mess with the queen and not get hurt. ” I said threw my teeth.  She smirked
“Please, I think I all ready did. ” I smiled at her and grabed Jakes hand.
   “Two can play at that game. ”



If your lame thats a shame


I wake up to a lawn full of snow and a school update saying that we no longer have school,on this cold monday morning. I smile and fall back asleep for a little longer.


I jumped out of my bead scaring kisses as I scramble  over to my window. Out in our now clean of snow drive way was Massie Block waiting for me. I gasp and remember our conversation from last night about going to the mall if we have no school. I run to my closest and throw on a last second look and run out the door.


     Half an hour later Massie and I sat across from each other sipping are lattes.
   “Sooo, come on Leesh! Whats the latest gossip! I heard there’s a new girl coming! is it true!?” Massie knew that I knew all the new students before anyone else and with duh-liva tweeting this dark skinned girl for the past month and how much she can’t wait to see her again.So, I got some deets from Olivia proving that she is the new girl thats coming to town.
I smirked at Massie, making her grumble with anticipation. “Her name is Lila Reef, shes from Maine and is moving down here to get away from the drama and ex at her old school.” I sit back satisfied with the information that I have dug up. Massie’s eyebrow shoots up as she gives me her signature smirk.
  “Well turns out your not as useless as I thought,” she laughed.
   “Now how will we handle this new girl; knowing she’ll want to be friends with us.” Massie takes a sip of her latte while she thinks.
As for me I was happy with my friends and wouldn’t trade them for the world.
   ” Who cares about that want- to- be us- nobe? I’m satisfied with the clique that I’m in know, we have been threw so much! It’s silly for you to think that one girl will separate us forever!” I threw my head back and laughed loudly
   “There’s been to many girl and boys to try to part us and news flash! That hasn’t happened yet.” I smile at my alpha as she processed the thought.
  “And, this is why your my favorite.” She laughs.
  We both get up and  link arms  walking out of Starbucks on cloud 9.                 No one can even dare about  touching us now.

